the absolute BEST peanut butter cookies + a dance video

April 21, 2017

Oh my word!  These cookies are ahhhhmazing!  I will never make any other peanut butter cookie again!  They are titled "World's Greatest Peanut Butter Cookies," and I totally agree.  The recipe can be found HERE.

My little helper was in a hip hop mood today.  The outfit was all her!  Her favorite thing to do is dance in front of the oven so she can see her reflection.  What better way to pass the time while the cookies are baking!  Take a peek and maybe learn a move or two....


  1. So cute. Did she learn her moves from you? I love a good peanut butter cookie. Thanks!

    1. Those moves are all her own! And definitely make the cookies. I doubled the batch and am regretting it. They are very addicting!

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